De ce ne laudam cu suferintele,durerile cea ce este rau in noi?nu mai exista oare nimic in lumea asta care sa ne merite atentie si apoi zambetul?ne bazam mereu pentru a ne smulge un zambet pe cei de langa noi..oameni uneori care ne sunt straini desi ii stim de o viatza.Uitam ca exista fiecare anotimp are ceva nou .ceva care ne merita atentia..o floare ..un fulg de nea..un nor ..lucruri ce ne ies in fiecare zi si trecem fara sa le vedem.poate pentru ca in suflet nu mai exista lumina care sa ni le arate.Inchisi in noi asteptam un altul sau o alta sa ne scoata din monotonia vietii.Daca am putea striga asta si sa fim sinceri .pote s-ar intampla o minune.Asa am invata sa iubim fara a fi egoisti ,fara a ne gandi mereu la vedea tot ce ne lipseste in ochii cuiva am observa ca nu ne lipseste nimic p.s sunt foarte bine.doar obosita :)si o durere de masea..damn
> De Vaartkapoen : > Low down, a young > rebel, the Vaartkapoen, reminiscent of a jack-in-the- box, topples over a > policeman higher up, thus overthrowing his authority... > Location: Brussels , Belgium
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"Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!"
- Auntie Mame
Finding your own happiness starts and ends with you. Read on to find out how to have more joy in life.
Listen to the put down. Is it something petty, like, "I hate that color on you", or is a rude comment, such as, "You're lazy!"? Petty unfounded comments are like a fly stinging a horse; they should be brushed off, but rude comments need more attention.
Ask yourself if a rude comment is true. "Am I lazy?" If you know the answer off the top of your head, then brush off the comment (unless it's repeated behavior, then you may want to avoid that person, talk to them about it or tell your boss/teacher, if needed).
Ask a trusted friend if they think the comment is true, or you can ask the person why they made that comment, and to give you examples. A good friend will be constructive and help you as much as they can.
Work on it if you think the person insulting you has a point. Nobody is perfect, but by being proactive you will improve that particular aspect of yourself. Too meek? Work on it! Take some confidence or public speaking classes. Unfit? Grab a tracksuit and hit the gym. You don't have to do this for every little thing, but working on the big things holding you back will massively improve yourself and your attitude.
Learn to ignore worthless comments. They're opinions that are just meant to hurt your feelings, and are not at all truthful. Try to remember that people often insult out of anger or jealousy. Some people take joy out of hurting others, and anything they say should be put in the back of your mind.
Laugh at yourself. If it's not a big deal to you, it shouldn't be an issue to others. But remember, laughing at something that really injures your self-esteem is a no. It just gives others the feeling that they too can do that to you.
Get to know who you are and what you want. When you are comfortable in your own skin, loving yourself comes naturally.
Make a list of things you're good at or that you like about yourself. For example, "i have a nice smile" or "i'm a good runner". Having a list of all your good qualities will make you feel worthy.
You may need to spend more time alone to get to know yourself. Ask yourself, "What do you want?" What makes you happy?" "What don't you like?" "What are you willing to do to please yourself?" Keeping a journal is highly recommended.
When you know who you are, and what you like, you will begin to attract like-minded people. "Birds of a feather flock together" is NOT just a saying.
Having like-minded, supportive friends will help you ignore the small stuff.
Remember, it all starts with you getting to know yourself and liking yourself. Until you do that, don't be surprised if few people like you.
Good luck on your journey to joy!
There are people who are just plain mean spirited. They tend to be jealous of kind hearted, friendly, and/or happy people. Stay away from them as much as possible.
There are people who take pleasure in hurting other people's feelings even only by making comments such as "You look awful today". Just because you are kindhearted and loving doesn't necessarily mean that everyone around you is too.Learn to tell the difference between those two kinds of people and don't treat everyone as your friend. When they hurt you eventually, you will be disappointed because you expected otherwise,and that can ruin your emotional state. Stay away from those people, and ALWAYS ANSWER BACK at such comments. You might end up arguing with them or even breaking up a long term friendship, but it will save you from future depression when you simply swallow everything without saying a word.
Always be a gentleman. Hold doors open for her, be polite and be helpful.
Know her favorite song and listen to her type of music, then share what you think about it.
Learn to love what she does.
Tell her that she's on your mind from the time you awaken until bedtime.
Tell her you love her, but not too often. It loses its luster if you overuse it.
Make sure you mean it whenever you tell her that you love her.
Make her happy by buying her gifts, but know what she likes beforehand. Jewelery is a great choice but don't be offended if she doesn't wear it all the time.
Ask her if she's cold when it's cold out. Have a jacket or a coat handy so you can give it to her.
Go out somewhere and have some fun. Some good places to go are movies, restaurants, and other relaxing locations.
Let her out of the kitchen once in a while. Just kidding.
Never ignore her and just walk off with your friends. It's rude to do that. If she does it to you, wait a minute for her to return to you, and if she doesn't, go talk to your friends.
Hold her hand at the movies or when you're walking. Girls love that.
Before you kiss her, take a breath mint.
Move the relationship at a pace you're both comfortable with. If you don't match up, try to compromise. If that doesn't work out, politely find someone else.
Make a good impression on her parents. Even if she doesn't like them, they can be your greatest allies in the long run.
Become friends with her friends. It gives you more things in common with your girl. Eventually, her friends will love you, and that's a definite turn-on for your girlfriend.
Walk her to classes if you go to the same school. When you walk her, carry her books, even if she isn't struggling. Some girls won't let you, though. If she denies a few times, let it go and don't push.
When you listen to your iPod around her, share an ear with her. This way, you'll be closer because the cord is short and you'll have an excuse to hold her hand or put your arm around her.
Don't be too shy. There are times and places that are appropriate to be shy, like kissing in public. Don't be too shy to put your arm around her or hold her hand, because you shouldn't be ashamed to have some public displays of affection.
Kiss something other than her lips, like her hand, her forehead or her cheek. Anything like that will definitely put a smile on her face.
If you know she has a good sense of humour, learn a new joke every day and tell it to her. If she appreciates a good-sensed joke, don't be afraid to share. Just make sure it doesn't offend her.
Be confident. Be proud of who you are, and being her boyfriend. Giving nice comments always makes a girls day, just not too many.
Make her a mixed CD of her favorite songs. It shows that you pay attention to the things she likes and you appreciate her style of music. If you don't know her favorite songs, buddy up with her best friend and ask for some help.
Get her something just because you care for her.
Always respect her and always be willing to help her.
Don't go too fast into the relationship. Take it nice and slow, but not too slow.
Ask her what she would like to do sometimes.
Make sure to actually do things for her. Everyone knows to open doors for her, but nobody seems to help her clean, make food for her, and other things like that. She does it for you, why not do it for her too?
Let her know that you are the one that she can talk to about anything! Be there for her through thick and thin. She will feel comfortable with you and trust you.
Write her love notes. When writing notes, try to make them cute and show her that you care. Writing notes is a great way to show her that you are spontaneous and romantic.
Tell her that your lucky that you found her. She loves it when you say it.
Never tell her that you hate her beloved friends.
Never tell her that you don't like the things she does.
Always give her a smile, that will cheer her up.
Never EVER give her things that are malicious, that will make her think that your a maniac.
If you want her to be yours forever, always help her out, never leave her side, and most likely never ever turn your back on her.
If budget permits, book the occassional weekend away. Every woman loves a bit of alone time with her partner.
If she's been at home in the day looking after your child/children and you come in from work, help her out! She knows you've been at work, but there isn't a job in the world as demanding as looking after Children :).
Love her to death.
Don't flirt with her friends because she will get mad and it's wrong.
Don't give her too many gifts or she will think you are trying to buy her love.
Don't say sorry all the time.
Don't let her blame herself for everything. Take some responsibility.
Don't make-out with her in front of her friends, this will make the friends mad at her and you, which is never good for either one of you
Be yourself.
Always pay attention to details ,try to understand what she likes the most
Don't say or do anything that will offend her or hurt her.
Whatever you do, never offend her friends because more than likely, it will cause an argument and trouble will be started.
Don't cause an argument that isn't necessary. This can sometimes lead to bad trouble.
Don't be annoying.
Don't expect your tea on the table when you get home. It's more likely to be going over your head.
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