Sunday, May 31, 2009

Indian Chicks Are Liars


Hot women can be found all over the world, which is great when you're a suave, sexy globetrotter like me. Unfortunately, some of them are kind of insane. Bollywood star Neetu Chandra did a photoshoot with another girl for the Indian magazine, The Man. Now everyone is calling her a lesbian, which she hates so much she became derogatory.
"If there is even an iota of doubt in anyone's mind, let me make it clear once and for all that I am not a lesbo," she said. "We aren't even touching each other's body." (The Times of India)

Um, unlike your sexy face, pictures don't lie. You're clearly all over her. Because of this, I'm assuming you haven't ever told the truth. Yep, you're a full on "lesbo" all right, or at least you are right here, *tapping forhead*. Mmmhmm.


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Teri Hatcher in a bikini


Here's Teri Hatcher swimming in Miami and, Jesus Mother of God, I forgot how awesome those things are. It's sort of like finding your favorite blanket you loved as a kid except it's Terri Hatcher's breasts. Also, you didn't have to kidney punch your nephew who wasn't even using it, mom.

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Hollywood Business, Hollywood Actress, Celebrities Stars

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• Sunt uituca
• As vrea mai multa liniste
• Pastrez amintirile in cuvinte
• As dori sa pot schimba ceva in trecut.
• Ma tem de ultima zi
• Aud vise colorate
• Imi pare rau ca mai cred in “oameni”
• Imi plac stelele,norii,ploaia….
• Nu sunt normala
• Cant la chitara
• Niciodata nu as face ceva cu care nu sunt de acord
• Rar dau a 2 sansa
• Plang cand sunt foarte nervoasa
• Nu sunt multumit(a) de tara in care traiesc
• Nu imi place muzica vecinilor la maxim
• Sunt confuz(a) de la natura[zodie :D]
• Am nevoie de ceva nou des
• Ar trebui sa ma mut departe

Flower Cupcakes


Crispy Christmas Gifts

crispy treat gifts

Appetizing Apple Salad

Apple Salad

What you'll need:

4 medium apples (tart is best)
1/2 cup raisins
4 tablespoons walnuts, chopped
2 tablespoon salad dressing (ie Miracle Whip)
2 tablespoon skim milk


Cut apples into small cubes and then mix all of the ingredients together and blend well. Serve fresh.

Hot Chocolate Twist

Hot Chocolate

Hot Cocoa Pops

hot cocoa pop

What you'll need:

Hot cocoa mix
Plastic cups
Popsicle sticks
Aluminum foil

How to make it:

Prepare the hot cocoa as directed, and after it has cooled pout it into a plastic cup. Next, stick a marshmallow halfway of a popsicle stick and put the stick in the cup. Place a piece of aluminum foil over the cup, poking a hole for the stick, to hold the stick in place. Freeze the popsicles overnight and, when ready, wiggle the stick back and forth to release it from the cup.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Christina Aguilera still has giant breasts


Christina Aguilera performed for The Tonight Show last night and her breasts are still awesome which is extremely comforting to this writer. Sort of like when I was a small child and thought there was a monster under my bed until my dad would come in and say it's just his girlfriend hiding from my mom so I should shut up or he'll stab Santa Claus. Ha ha, dads.

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Va prezint ,pe scurt,o poveste despre care as vrea o parere obiectiva.
Sa incepem:2 tineri s-au cunoscut ,s-au cuplat si ceva luni [in jur de 2] au locuit in acelasi oras.Ea se muta la mare departare si el [numai] o viziteaza o data pe luna,cateva ore.Asta cand ea nu este bolnava fix in aceea zi.Am uitat sa mentionez ca ea lucreaza si intentioneaza sa urmeze facultatea la o si mai mare distanta de el desi el stie[pentru ca asa ii spune ea] ca va urma facultatea in acelasi oras cu el.El[numai] o suna sa vada ce mai face ,ea nu are niciodata credit.Ea poate iesi cu oricare alt tip la un suc si asta nu este treaba lui.El a cam sarutat vreo 2 tipe si ea a spus ca asta e pentru ca fete il considera atragator .

Asta a fost povestea si m-am abtinut sa imi exprim parerea legata de subiect,pentru ca se pare ca pot fi subiectiva.
Intrebarea mea este :exista iubire aici,ea il iubeste sau il foloseste?Dar invers?
Daca aveti alte pareri si mai bine.Multumesc

Monday, May 25, 2009

Kim Kardashian's bikini butt


Apparently, some hero out there took my advice and finally snapped a picture of Kim Kardashian's ass in a bikini. I had no idea I had that kind of control over people, so that being said, bring me Mila Kunis and a ham sandwich, puppets! Oh, yeah, and spicy brown mustard. Spicy!

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Hollywood Business, Hollywood Actress, Celebrities Stars

Hollywood Gossip,Hollywood News,Hollywood Celebrity,Hot Celebrity Gossip,
Hollywood Business, Hollywood Actress, Celebrities Stars


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Hollywood Business, Hollywood Actress, Celebrities Stars

Daca eram

Daca eram o luna, as fi fost – decembrie
Daca eram o zi a saptamanii, as fi fost – vineri ca e inceputul sfarsitului saptamini :D
Daca eram o parte a zilei, as fi fost – dimineata la rasarit
Daca eram un animal marin, as fi fost – cal de mare
Daca eram o directie, as fi fost – cate putin fiecare
Daca eram o virtute, as fi fost – speranta
Daca eram o personalitate istorica, as fi fost – Vlad Tepes
Daca eram o planeta, as fi fost – Saturn[imi plac cercurile ce il inconjoara si are sateliti inghetati]
Daca eram un lichid, as fi fost – lichior de ciocolata
Daca eram o piatra, as fi fost – jadul [pe vremuri se credea ca poate conserva corpul dupa moarte si e simbol al virtutii]
Daca eram o pasare, as fi fost – oricare atata vreme cat puteam zbura
Daca eram o planta, as fi fost – lacramioara[are un miros superb,pe care as vrea sa il regasesc in orice.pacat ca nu exista parfum sa miroasa asa]
Daca eram un tip de vreme, as fi fost – iarna,ca ninge si iubesc zapada.
Daca eram un instrument muzical, as fi fost – pian[mi se pare ca are sunete mai deosebite ca alt instrument]
Daca eram o emotie, as fi fost – fericire
Daca eram un sunet, as fi fost – fosnetul frunzelor cand adie vantul
Daca eram un element, as fi fost – hidrogen
Daca eram un cantec, as fi fost – Pink ~Leave me alone
Daca eram un film, as fi fost – greu de ales doar unu.Sa fie 2:All the real girls si The crow ~Sacrifice
Daca eram un serial, as fi fost – Heroes sau Stagiarii
Daca eram o carte, as fi fost – P.Lecca – De la moarte la viata
Daca eram un personaj de fictiune, as fi fost – Kenny [South Park]
Daca eram un fel de mancare, as fi fost – mamaliga cu branza[simpla si complicata de facut ]
Daca eram un gust, as fi fost – de pepene galben
Daca eram o aroma, as fi fost – vanilie
Daca eram o culoare, as fi fost – verde
Daca eram un material, as fi fost – in
Daca eram un cuvant, as fi fost – iluzie
Daca eram o parte a corpului, as fi fost – ochii
Daca eram o expresie a fetei, as fi fost – zambet cu gropite
Daca eram o materie de scoala, as fi fost – psihologie
Daca eram un personaj din desene animate, as fi fost – Pepe le pew
Daca eram o forma, as fi fost – cub
Daca eram un numar, as fi fost – 13
Daca eram o masina, as fi fost – Smart Fortwo Cabrio
Daca eram o haina, as fi fost – rochie semi-transparenta

O dau cadou mai departe lui Andrei,Petra si Dan [de casa noua :D]

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Straight talk about drugs

Drugs seem to be everywhere you turn. You probably hear about them in movies, on TV, in the news, or even at school. It’s almost like everyone is using them. But did you know that most teens don't use drugs? What's important is that you understand exactly what's out there, what's being offered to you, why your friends may pressure you to use them, and what drugs do to your body.

What are drugs?

Drugs are substances that change the way your brain and body work. Drugs can be swallowed, inhaled, smoked, or injected. Whichever way drugs are taken, they end up in your bloodstream and go to all parts of your body. Many drugs are illegal, meaning it is against the law to have them. Our list of illegal drugs explains the dangers of many different types.

Here’s the real truth about illegal drugs top

* Drugs wear off, but they can cause life-long damage to your body.
* Many drugs are addictive, which means it can be really hard to quit.

* Drugs affect your mind, making it harder to make safe choices and defend yourself in dangerous situations.

* Drug use can lead to unsafe sexual practices, which put you at risk for getting HIV. Learn more about the link between drugs and HIV here.

* Drugs are toxic and are not meant to be in your body. Your body can have an extreme reaction – you can become really sick or even die. This happens to teens every day.

* Drugs make you look ugly! Not only are drugs bad for your health, they can alter your looks dramatically! These pictures show the tragic toll that crystal meth can take on a person's physical appearance. One of the most reported physical and mental effects of the drug is "crank bugs." The "crank bugs" cause a sensation that there are bugs under the skin and the person keeps scratching at them until their arms, legs, faces, and bodies are all scarred with sores and blisters.

Why do teens take drugs?

There are many reasons teens might choose to use drugs. For some young people, using drugs makes them feel grown up. Or they think drugs will help them fit in and belong to a group. Some teens use drugs to relax and feel good, or to have more fun at a party or club. Others use drugs as a way to take risks and rebel. Some teens try drugs because they are curious. The bad news is that, in every case, using drugs is the worst way to do all of these things. The good news is that there are many more positive and healthy ways to feel grown up, be part of a group, relax and feel good, take risks, and satisfy curiosity. If you are looking for a challenge, try activities like rock climbing, hiking, or skiing. Join a club or sports team at school if you want to make friends and learn something new. You can even start your own club! Going out to a movie or shopping with friends are great ways to relax and have fun. You can probably think of many more great things that don’t involve using drugs!

Be safe: choose not to use

Ok. So you know that drugs can cause terrible problems. Now what? The hardest part is telling your friends or anyone who offers you drugs, "NO", but it is definitely worth it! Most teens have made the decision not to use drugs. Making a decision not to use drugs takes courage but you can do it! Here are some ways you can choose not to use:
* Just say, "No thanks." * Find an excuse to leave. * Stay alert: don’t allow anyone to give you drugs without you knowing it. * Ask for help from other friends or adults if someone is really pressuring you to use. * Make new friends who respect your decision not to use drugs. * Go to events that don't involve drugs. Don't put yourself in an unsafe or difficult situation.

Know when there’s a problem

How do you know a friend has a problem with drugs? Here are some signs:
* A person who has a drug problem thinks drugs are the solution to all problems. She may spend all of her free time figuring out how to do drugs and how to get money to buy drugs. * She is anxious, depressed, and irritable. * She has dropped out of regular school activities and has a group of drug-using friends. * Her grades have dropped and she may not come to school regularly. * Her sleep habits have changed. * She seems to have gained or lost a lot of weight. * She may look sick, tired, or even messy. * She also seems to be taking more and more of the drug to get the same effect. If you or someone you know shows some of these signs, you can get help! The only way out of drug addiction is to recognize that there is a problem and that you can get help from others. Turn to your parents, teachers, counselors, or any adult you trust—they care about you. Although it won't be easy, you or your friend can stop using drugs. Don't be ashamed. Asking for help could be the best decision you ever made.


Short & Long Hairstyles

My Favorite Short Hairstyles

Are you looking for new hairstyle?? See our photo gallery!

Short Hair Style :
short hairstyle hairstyles hairstyle image

hairstyle image hairstyle image hairstyle image hairstyle image hairstyle image
hairstyle image

Angelina Jolie

Long HairStyle :
hairstyle image

This style suits hair that's in beautiful condition and it needs a tray of heated rollers to create these incredible curls.

TIP: Cover the tips of hair to protect them from the heat of the rollers.

hairstyle image

TIP: Moisturize bleached hair tips with an intensive leave-in conditioner.

hairstyle image

Oozing glamor....

hairstyle image hairstyle image hairstyle image hairstyle image

Beauty Tips for Teen Girls

Teen Makeup and clothing is an issue for many teenage girls. If you are stressing about what you should look like as a newcomer in middle school, or a freshie in high school, here's a quick guide to help your fashion mature with you throughout middle and high school.

In Sixth grade, wear lip gloss, some mascara, and maybe a little bit of pale eyeshadow; don't go too heavy or it may look bad. If you want to try out more types of makeup, keep that for home experiments.
As for clothes, keep it in your comfort level. Bear this in mind: if you are wearing a bra or undershirt, don't let the straps hang out. It doesn't look cool; it just looks sloppy. If you are wearing a short shirt, check in the mirror to see if your stomach hangs out of the bottom. Otherwise, wear something a little bit longer. Also, if your pants are likely to slip, wear a belt. Belts are totally hip now!
* The main point is to keep the makeup light, and the clothes clean cut.

In Seventh grade you are beginning to care a little more what you look like; you might want to try curling your hair a few days a week, and using different hairstyles besides your typical ponytail.

If you are acne prone, try foundation. Remember thet even oily skin can get flaky and that looks horrible with foundation. So try it on weekends first and ask your mother (or someone that uses foundation well) if it looks okay.
In Seventh grade you might want to try eyeliner. But not too much because you don't want to look like a racoon!
Start trying to tie outfits together with accessories. It's good to try new things with your makeup and clothes. But when you try the new things, make sure it looks good on you, not just in the picture or at the store. Check out different stores, and find out if there is a style that suits you.

In eighth grade you are probably getting good at makeup and you know what you like. Try establishing your own hairstyle without looking like everyone else. For example, if everyone has long, layered hair with no bangs, try light wispy bangs and a shorter, layered look.
You might be wearing tighter jeans now and probably starting to get concerned with impressing the guys, so it's safe to try out more mature styles such as a sleek leather blazer, or lower cut necklines. If you are happy with your sports bra, that is totally OK. But it's safe now to check out the actual bra department and wear something that makes you feel pretty - like lace.

Ninth grade: high school! This is a big transition. Now in the same world as seniors, you are going to want to look like the rest of your peers. You should by now have your makeup and hair styles already. Try to update this look a bit, because no one wants to carry the same look they had in middle school. Dramatize a detail in your hair. If its known for it's left side part, part it even deeper. Make a straight style even sleeker and hip. Learn to make youre curls tighter, or looser.
In high school you might want to wear your usual make up during the day, and as you start to go out with friends and boys at night, add a darker shade of eyeliner, or jazz up your lips with something more festive. It's also good to try new shoes, try wearing spikier ankle boots with a pair of hot jeans and a blouse. Chunkier heels aren't as hip as spikes as you get older. Incorporate accessories into your outfit. Buy yourself a bag that's in suede or leather to keep your schoolbooks in, instead of a backpack. You will want to buy yourself a new jacket, and make it your own.
You know what you like, so go and find clothes that fit your style, but crank it up a notch for a more mature feel.

Abstinence – Safe Sex is No Sex

Observed this conversation!!!

“Are you going to Steve’s party Friday night? I heartwo girls talking they will have a lot of booze there . . . and best of all,
no adults! I think he has the hots for me! He always compliments my outfits I wear to school,” said Denise.

“Denise, the guy does that to every girl in our school. You are not special to him. Besides, I hear he is dating someone,” said Kelcey.

two girls talking“So what, he says I have beautiful eyes. Secretly, we’ve been kissing everyday this week after gym class. If all goes well, according to him, after Friday night’s party, we will really be boyfriend and girlfriend,” said Denise.

“What does that mean? I hope you don’t plan on doing it with him! Please don’t fall for that trick. I won’t be going to that party and you shouldn’t either!” said Kelcey.

Does this situation sound familiar to you? You may have played the role of Denise or Kelcey:

  • A cute guy from your school invites you to a party with plenty of alcohol and no adults.
  • Everyone that’s anyone will be there. How can you possibly say no?
  • Then, of course, there is the cute guy, Steve – who has been flirting with you all week at school.
  • This is probably your one opportunity to show him how much you like him.
  • You can’t let him down and miss this party. He’ll never speak to you again!

One problem—your friend, Kelcey. She opposes this party with good reason. No adults, plenty of alcohol, sounds like trouble to her, spelled S-E-X. Too bad you are too “starry eyed” to figure this one out. Kelcey thinks Steve is bad news. She has good reason. He’s hit on her a couple of times. His reputation with girls at school is not one to be admired.

The thought of having sex while you are a teenager may seem pretty cool and a really good way to get someone to like you, but it can backfire. The truth is, having sex while you are a teen can make you feel bad about yourself and your partner. While sex may look like something very attractive and worthwhile, you often don’t see what can happen after sex when you are a teen.

Just Saying “No” is Not Always Easy

Abstinence doesn't just happen. Saying "no" to sexual intercourse, mutual masturbation, and oral sex is not enough. You have to:

* think about it ahead of time,
* make a plan,
* follow through, and
* have support from parents, friends, and people you trust.

Get clear about why you've made the choice to be abstinent, and talk to your partner about what you want and don't want and why. Don’t be afraid to take a stand about your decision. If you and your partner can’t agree, then maybe you need to find someone whose beliefs are closer to your own.

Keep in mind, you are more than just a body. During your junior and senior high school years, you may be strongly attracted to a cute guy, such as Steve. Your body may send you strong messages that make you want to get closer to him. Be sure to think before you act! Think about your future! Think about what may happen if you have sex! Your body won’t tell you how having sex may harm you physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and financially.

Good relationships don’t develop overnight. They take time. Think about your goals and your partner’s goals—graduating from high school, going to college, and starting a career. Instead of focusing on sex:

* join the band, a sports team, or the school choir
* get involved with community or faith-based organizations
* look for summer programs and internships
* help others in your community

Keep in mind, sex is NOT what makes a relationship work. If you are confronted with this line:

“If you care about me, you’ll have sex with me.”

Don’t believe it! You don’t have to have sex with someone to prove you like or love him! Sharing time, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and mutual respect is what makes a relationship strong. Saying “no” can be the best way to say, “I love you.” It is always best to make the choice to wait!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Elegie dupa o clipa dusa

Toate sarutarile pe care le-am dat si acelea pe care le-am primit,de asemenea zambetele si timiditatile iubirii noastre nu ne-au intarit si ne-au pecetluit oare singuratatea?

Care este inceputul singuratatii noastre daca nu o iubire ce nu s-a putut sa se reverse si care este hrana acestor singuratati ,daca nu atatea iubiri inchise numai in noi? Toata dorinta noastra de absolut ,toata ameteala in cautarea altor vesnicii si setea dupa lumi nesfarsite nu s-a nascut din atatea surasuri,imbratisari si sarutari neimpartasite si necunoscute?

Am pierdut atatia individualul,existenta.. si singuratatile noastre cresc fara radacini.Dar sunt tari ,frante din atatea iubiri ce nu s-au realizat pentru a nu sustine elanul spre alte lumi si spre alte vesnicii.

Iubirea care ramine in dorinta si creste numai in dorinta nu este decat o manifestare a acelei iubiri care nu vrea sa se realizeze de teama de a nu muri