Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Leapsa de la guma colorata
Nu m-am uitat niciodata deci nu stiu
2. Care e culoarea ta de helanca preferata?
3. Iti place cafeaua?
Da :X
5. Cum te simti acum?
Obosita si inca nervoasa.Am corectat ceva de 2 ori ca nu se salvase.[i am stupid i know]
6. Care e ultima litera din numele persoanei de care esti indragostita?
Nu cred ca exista vreo persoana
7. Spui AIM sau A I M?
Ambele ?!
8. Care e ultimul vis pe care l-ai avut?
Unul agitat rau ca m-am trezit obosita
9. Ai putea manca o luna intreaga felul tau de mancare preferat fara sa te saturi de el?
Am mai multe feluri deci daca le alternez ajung la o luna :D
10. De ce ai o pofta puternica acum?
Ciocolata[Gata am mancat.trecu]
11. Folosesti ata dentara?
12. La ce te gandesti cand auzi cuvantul “varza”?
Salata de varza[de asta am pofta acum]
16. Ai numarat vreodata pana la 1000?
Probabil, cand eram la scola
17. Musti sau lingi inghetata?
O ling :P
18. Folosesti emoticoane?
Nu se observa?!
19. Cate dormitoare are casa ta?
20. Ai cunoscut vreodata o celebritate?
Da. Carcotasii,Marius moga si prietenii lui,Tudor[fly project],Alex[Mandinga] etc.Sau era vorba de "vedete" care apar acum la tv si urla?!
21. Iti place branza?
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D
22. Care e ultima melodie de care ai fost obsedata?
Green day -21 guns
23. Cate tari ai vizitat?
24. Sunt parintii tai stricti?
Nu prea
25. Ai sari cu parasuta/parapanta/planorul?
26. Ai lua masa cu George W. Bush?
De ce nu?!
28. E ceva stralucitor in camera ta?
Ecranul laptopului
30. Inchiriezi filme?
Nu,le fur de pe net
31. Cine sta in fata la ora de mate in clasa ta?
Vreun coleg.
35. Unde vei merge sambata seara?
La o intalnire cu colegii de voluntariat
36. Oua albe sau maro?
37. Iti place muzica?
38. Ai mers cu trenul?
41. Ce zi a saptamanii e?
40. Ce ai mancat la pranz?
Prea multe vrei sa stii
43. Ce face maine prietena ta cea mai buna?
Doarme cu ala mic
46. Ai vazut filmul The Butterfly Effect?
47. Ce crezi despre Yankees?
Ii stiu doar dupa nume
51. Ai parul ondulat?
Nu,din pacate :(
52.Cand ai plans ultima data?
Nu mai stiu
53. Ai intrat vreodata intr-un zid?
Cu capul, ca nu ma uitam pe unde merg
56. Anotimpul preferat?
61. Cu cine te vei tine de mana in viitorul apropiat?
Cu nimeni :D
62. Adormi cu televizorul deschis?
63. Ai baut vreodata alcool direct din sticla?
64. Crezi ca esti batrana?
65. Ti-e frica de intuneric?
6. Iti place viata ta momentan?
67. Cand ai facut ultima data baie sau dus?
Aseara si urmeaza dupa enorma leapsa
68. Bati in lemn?
69. Ai o vedere buna?
70. Poti sa faci hula hoop?
71. Unde sunt parintii tai?
In fata tv
72. Ai fost vreodata sarutata in lift?
73. Care e urmatorul CD pe care il vei cumpara?
Green day
74. Ce marci porti momentan?
76. Ai intrat intr-o incapere pe fereastra vreodata?
77. Poti suporta adevarul?
Il prefer
78. Ce ai cumparat ultima data?
Paine,branza si fructe
79. Cat de des vorbesti la telefon?
Foarte des
80. Esti intr-o relatie complicata?
81. Urasti mai mult de trei persoane?
82. Ai pus piedica cuiva vreodata?
86. Folosesti betisoare chinezesti?
87. Ierti prea mult?
89. Detii o arma?
90. Ai facut telefoane gluma?
Da,la colegi cand eram mica
91. Ai fost vreodata intr-un castel?
92. Iti place parul tau?
Da,cu antenutze
93. Iti place de tine?
Asa si asa
94. Esti mai apropiat de mama sau de tata?
De tata
O ia cine doreste :D
Rihanna is All Legs and Heart
After Chris Brown got a "screw-you-every-battered-girl" sentence for beating the hell out of Rihanna, we hadn't seen much of the female pop-star.
I imagine she was hiding out, fearing if she left, every dude would run up and start whacking her while setting the American flag on fire - see Chris Brown, this is what you started. Luckily, she got over these fears to grace us with her legs. I didn't know a grey-hoodie was an outfit, but I didn't know lots of things that turned out to be true - like pop-rocks and soda won't make a hamster explode, but a microwave sure will. Man, this was an informative day.
Hollywood Gossip,Hollywood News,Hollywood Celebrity,Hot Celebrity Gossip, Hollywood Business, Hollywood Actress, Celebrities Stars
Hollywood Gossip,Hollywood News,Hollywood Celebrity,Hot Celebrity Gossip, Hollywood Business, Hollywood Actress, Celebrities Stars
Monday, June 29, 2009
Jackson's family moves quickly to take charge
In documents filed in Superior Court, Jackson's parents said they believe their 50-year-old son died without a valid will.
They also made it clear they believe they should take charge of both his debt-ridden but potentially lucrative financial empire and act as permanent caretakers of his three children.
Judge Mitchell Beckloff granted 79-year-old Katherine Jackson temporary guardianship of the children, who range in age from 7 to 12. He did not immediately rule on her requests to take charge of the children's and Jackson's estates.
Beckloff scheduled a hearing for July 6 and another for Aug. 3 to consider those issues and whether Katherine Jackson should be appointed the children's permanent guardian.
The judge later on Monday also granted Katherine Jackson the right to take control of her son's personal property that is now in the hands of an unnamed third party. The ruling does not detail the nature of those items and does not provide control of any money in the estate.
L. Londell McMillan, the family's attorney, said in a statement that the Jacksons are pleased with the results of their Monday filings.
"Mrs. Jackson deserves custody, and the family should have the administration of the brilliance of Mr. Michael Jackson. Mrs. Jackson is a wonderful, loving and strong woman with a special family many of us have admired for years. The personal and legal priorities are focused on first protecting the best interests of Mr. Michael Jackson's children, his family, his memorial services and then preserving his creative and business legacy with the dignity and honor it deserves."
When Jackson died Thursday, he left behind a 12-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter by his ex-wife Deborah Rowe, as well as a 7-year-old son born to a surrogate mother.
The Jackson family said the children — Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. (known as Prince Michael), Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince Michael II — are living at the Jackson family compound in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley.
"They have a long established relationship with paternal grandmother and are comfortable in her care," the family said in court documents.
Family patriarch Joe Jackson, 79, said at a news conference that the children were enjoying playing with other kids — something they do not normally do.
The documents state that although Rowe is the mother of the two older children, her whereabouts are unknown. The document simply listed "none" for the mother of the youngest child, Prince Michael II.
Supporting Katherine Jackson in her petition bid to administer the estate was Jackson's father, Joe Jackson.
The Jacksons say they have not heard from Rowe since their son's death. Rowe's attorney, Marta Almli, did not respond to an e-mail message seeking comment Monday. She previously said, "Ms. Rowe's only thoughts at this time have been regarding the devastating loss Michael's family has suffered."
Mark Lester, a former British child star who is godfather to Jackson's children, told The Associated Press he believes they belong with Jackson's mother.
"She is a very loving, kind and gracious woman, and she had a very close relationship with Michael and a very good rapport with her grandchildren," Lester said. "I know the kids are fine. They are deeply saddened by what's happened, but they're coping."
Meanwhile, authorities continued to investigate Jackson's death. Officials with the Los Angeles County coroner's office returned to the mansion he was renting at the time of his death and left with two large plastic bags of evidence.
Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter said the bags contained medication. He declined to elaborate.
Lawyers for Jackson's cardiologist Dr. Conrad Murray said the physician never prescribed the powerful drugs Demerol or Oxycontin for Jackson and did all he could to revive him when he found the entertainer near death.
Attorney Matt Alford told the AP it took as long as 30 minutes for paramedics to be called after Murray found Jackson with a faint pulse and performed CPR.
The delay was partly because Jackson's room in the rented mansion didn't have a telephone and Murray didn't know Jackson's street address to give to emergency crews, Alford said.
Eventually, Murray found a chef in the house and had him summon a security guard, who called for help while the doctor continued to perform CPR.
Jackson's father told reporters at the family compound that his son's funeral was still in the planning stages.
"It will be some private, but not closed all the way down to the public," he said without elaborating.
He added that his son would not be buried at Neverland Ranch, the sprawling playground he built in the rolling hills of Santa Barbara County then abandoned after going into seclusion following his acquittal on child molestation charges in 2005.
Jackson's father also used the news conference to plug a record company he said he's founding with a business partner.
"We have a lot of good artists pitching to come out," he said.
His son, who had not released a new recording or performed publicly in years, was believed to be hundreds of millions of dollars in debt at the time of his death. However, his finances are complicated and could take years to unravel.
Clearly one of his most valuable assets is his recording catalog, which his father could potentially rerelease through his new record company if the family gains control of his assets. There could also be recordings in Jackson's estate that he had never released.
The AP learned that Jackson had finished an elaborate video production project just two weeks before he died. The five-week project dubbed "Dome Project" could be the final finished video piece overseen by the star.
There's also a financial bonanza to be had in the Sony/ATV Music Publishing catalog of which Jackson owned 50 percent. The 750,000-song catalog includes music by the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond, Lady Gaga and the Jonas Brothers, and is estimated to be worth as much as $2 billion.
"Quite frankly, he may be worth more dead than alive," Jerry Reisman, general counsel for the Hit Factory, a recording studio where Jackson produced his best-selling album "Thriller," said recently.
Jackson nearly lost his beloved Neverland, which was once filled with amusement park rides and wild animals, to foreclosure in March. Billionaire real estate investor Thomas Barrack bailed him out at the 11th hour, setting up a joint venture with Jackson that took ownership of the 2,500-acre property.
The ranch's future is uncertain, but three of Jackson's brothers visited the estate with Barrack over the weekend. A spokesman for the holding company that now operates it said it was premature to talk about the ranch's future.
KODAK'S attempt to arrange a meeting between Megan Fox and an 11-year-old admirer came out blank. In a p.r. stunt, the company offered $5,000 to anyone who could identify the youngster, who'd been photographed trying to give the "Transformers 2" siren a yellow rose at the London premiere. After Gawker identified the child as Harvey Kindlon, Kodak flew him to New York, hoping to get him an audience with Fox on the "Today" show, which had booked her for a segment yesterday.
But Fox was bumped after Michael Jackson's death, and she's since returned to LA. A source tells Page Six, "Kodak basically put this kid on a plane on the off-chance that he'd get to meet her. They never even confirmed with 'Today.' Now they're offering him around for interviews. It's exploitative and creepy." A rep for "Today" says, "Harvey was never scheduled to appear and we don't plan to have him on." Kodak didn't get back to us.
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Hollywood Business, Hollywood Actress, Celebrities Stars
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Hollywood Business, Hollywood Actress, Celebrities Stars
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Sunday, June 28, 2009
Jackson's final hours puzzle doctor, family
Both Michael Jackson's family and his personal physician were at pains to explain on Sunday what caused the troubled pop star's sudden death weeks before his long-awaited comeback.
Dr. Conrad Murray, who was at Jackson's side when he died, told police he did not inject the singer with painkillers before his fatal cardiac arrest on Thursday, his lawyer said on Sunday after reports he received a shot of narcotic Demerol.
When asked at Sunday's BET Awards about the care his son received from doctors in his last moments, Jackson's father, Joe, said, "I have a lot of concerns. ... I can't get into that, but I don't like what happened."
He said funeral arrangements for the King of Pop were still being discussed. A family friend said services could take place on Wednesday and the body could be buried at Jackson's famous Neverland Ranch.
Tension over the mysterious death came to the surface at the BET Awards, modified at the last minute as a tribute to Jackson's musical genius. Some stars bristled over coverage of Jackson's downward spiral during the last decade, filled with accusations of child molestation and bizarre behavior.
"He is one of our heroes," said rap artist and music impresario Sean "Diddy" Combs. "As African Americans, we are not going to let everybody beat him up."
Jackson, 50, was weeks away from an anticipated comeback with a series of 50 concerts in London. He rehearsed regularly up to the night before his death.
Concerns about his health had been rampant during his 2005 trial in California on charges of child sex abuse, of which he was acquitted. Last year, he was photographed in Las Vegas in a wheelchair.
Promoter AEG Live said Jackson had passed a four-hour medical exam earlier this year.
Murray -- a cardiologist hired ahead of the concerts and paid by AEG, according to his lawyer -- was surprised to find Jackson unconscious and not breathing in his rented chateau in an upscale Los Angeles neighborhood.
"He barely ate, he barely drank. But (there was) nothing which would lead the doctor to believe that he had any possible problems that would cause sudden death," said Edward Chernoff, the attorney who accompanied Murray during three hours of police questioning on Saturday.
Los Angeles police said after questioning Murray that they do not consider him a suspect. Law enforcement sources told the Los Angeles Times the meeting revealed "no red flag" of criminal activity.
The Jackson family holed up in their L.A. compound making plans for a funeral that could take place on Wednesday, possibly at the Neverland estate in central California, family friend Stacy Brown said.
Brown told Reuters that a family source said Jackson had received an injection of the narcotic painkiller Demerol shortly before paramedics were called to the mansion.
"They have been concerned about his addiction to medicines for years," said Brown, who co-wrote the book "Michael Jackson: The Man Behind the Mask."
"It's been no family secret that they've been trying to get him help for his addiction," Brown said.
The family arranged for a second, private autopsy on Saturday after the Los Angeles coroner said it would need four to six more weeks to determine the exact cause of death.
Jesse Jackson, the civil rights leader who was with the Jackson family last week, echoed Joe Jackson's doubts about what transpired in his son's final hours.
"There is a concern about what happened the last 12 hours of Michael's life," Jackson told People magazine. "The doctor has shown some bizarre behavior."
Jackson is survived by three children aged 12, 11 and 7, the first two from his ex-wife Debbie Rowe and the last from an unidentified surrogate mother.
Addressing speculation of a custody battle over the children, Joe Jackson said in a statement from the BET red carpet that only he and wife Katherine "have authority for our son and his children."
Pe aici,pe la mine
Apoi nu as vrea sa ma mut pe un domeniu al meu[momentam] pentru ca nu vreau sa ma simt obligata sa scriu.Coltul asta al meu de aici imi place si m-am obisnuit cu el.Asa ca imi las aici gandurile.Dar va multumesc.
Ma gandeam zilele trecute ca am atata lume la blogroll si la multi nu le stiu numele ci numai nick-ul.Cei care doriti si nu sunteti cautati :D sa imi spuneti numele si de ce v-ati ales nick-ul.
P.s absolut toti care sunt rasfoiti imi plac.Cand nu va mai fi asa nu va mai fi acolo.
Sa incep eu: numele maya inseamna iluzie si mai exact pentru mine arata cum ma vad altii,fiecare cate o parte.Nici mie nu imi place sa ma descriu ci prefer sa ma cunoasca prin ce fac sau citesc.Altceva la...mail.@yahoo.com .glumeam.Da-ti un semnn la rubrica kontact din dreapta
Sandra Bullock is Eliminating the Competition
Sandra Bullock is a dirty whore liar. She makes crazy statements about how being fat is sexy (wrong!), and yet, she's still wicked hot and weighs a grand total of 3 1/2 pounds... wet... while wearing a suit of armor. I'm not sure how she got the battlewear to weigh less, but somehow she did.
"I go, 'Oh my God, I've got to lose weight so I can fit into this.' But I also go, 'I haven't been to the gym in a year. Do I want to go to the gym? No.' At some point I will start running again and I will get there," she said. "There's something sexy about a gut. Not a 400-pound beer gut, but a little paunch. I love that."I think this is a crazy plan to get rid of all other thin, sexy actresses. First, get them all feeling good about their bodies. Second, stop them from going to the gym.
Third, send them all a year's worth of free Krispy Kreme donuts. Fourth, Sandra Bullock becomes the top grossing female star in the world... it's almost crazy enough to work. Quick, Jessica Alba must be warned!
Hollywood Gossip,Hollywood News,Hollywood Celebrity,Hot Celebrity Gossip, Hollywood Business, Hollywood Actress, Celebrities Stars
Bradley Cooper on Jennifer Aniston: “she’s simply a friend”
Bradley Cooper was asked at an event on Friday in Paris if he had a hot new romance with Jennifer Aniston, with whom he had a well documented dinner date in New York last week. He said that he worked with her and that they’re friends, but he didn’t exactly deny that he was out on a date with her. The way he words his statement makes it sound like there could eventually be a romantic relationship there, but that it hasn’t developed yet. He said “If someone says ‘hello’ to her, it’s [a] given [in the tabloid press] that he’s fallen in love with her.” It’s like he’s hinting that it could go somewhere, but saying they’re in the early stages yet and he’s not sure. At least that’s how I interpreted it:
First they reputedly flirted at a party. Then, June 18, they definitely had dinner together. So, what is going on between Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Aniston?
That was the question put to The Hangover star on Friday in Paris, where he had accepted an invitation from Louis Vuitton to be their guest at a menswear event. Told there had been talk that he and Aniston had been out together, Cooper replied with a laugh: “Who talked about it? It wasn’t me. It was someone else.”
In a more serious vein, Cooper, 34, said of Aniston (in French, which he speaks fluently from his 1996 exchange-student days): “She’s a friend of mine. Simply, simply, just a friend.”
He further clarified, “In America, its not like it is here. She’s someone who is super, super known. Famous. If someone says ‘hello’ to her, it’s given that he’s fallen in love with her. So, no. No. She’s a very, very interesting woman, but she’s simply a friend.
“We made a film together” – He’s Just Not That Into You – “but we didn’t have any scenes together. I got hired in at the beginning of the casting, and my part was solely with Scarlett Johansson and Jennifer Connelley. Which isn’t bad at all.”
Next up for Hollywood’s hot new leading man – whose sequel to The Hangover won’t shoot until 2011 – is a reunion with another “good friend,” Jennifer Garner, in Valentine’s Day. Also starring Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Biel, Jessica Alba and Ashton Kutcher, the film begins production in September.
[From People]
Cooper was seen out on another lunch-type date with an unknown woman on June 22, and he’s been linked to Lake Bell after the two were seen looking “cosy” at an event - also last week. Is Cooper playing the field and will he ever be ready to settle down? I’m beginning to think that his date with Aniston wasn’t some kind of PR move, as I suspected after seeing a suspicious profile of him in People Magazine shortly afterwards. He’s a single 34 year-old guy whose Hollywood career is about to take off, of course he’s dating and having fun. At least Aniston is going out with a guy who doesn’t Twitter his every thought and make insinuating remarks to the press. Cooper is trying to remain classy about the whole thing, and I bet the “falling in love” part might come in time if he finds her so interesting. It was telling that he brought the L word up.
Hollywood Gossip,Hollywood News,Hollywood Celebrity,Hot Celebrity Gossip, Hollywood Business, Hollywood Actress, Celebrities Stars
Saturday, June 27, 2009
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Friday, June 26, 2009
Ganduri de dimineata.Despre trecutul prezent

Uneori il simt langa mine...alteori simt cum holograma lui se topeste...dispare si se transforma in aer dulce...inspir…e cel mai perfect lucru care mi se intampla.acum,pentru prima data simt si eu gustul unei perfectiuni.insa cum perfectiunea nu este perfecta,aflu ca intr-adevar este prea departe de mine si nu imi ramane decat sa stau si sa imi imaginez…sa ma joc in mintea mea cum imi voi modela eu acea zi in care il voi strange in brate,ii voi atinge fata si ii voi saruta buzele pe care oricand le pot vedea intr-un mod mai electronic sau nu…cel mai ipocrit mod posibil. si dimineatza ma trezesc prea devreme incercand sa mai adorm.....intra dimineatza si in camera mea...si se amesteca cu intunericul care m-a adormit toata noaptea...imi transforma peretii intr-o culoare usor gri... si ma gandesc ca el acuma se pune sa doarma... este atata de pura intamplarea noastra…ca o dimineatza de primavara,cand ma dau jos din pat si ma simt inca obosita.simt ca ceva nou se intampla in viata mea si atunci incep sa ma trezesc.este ca si cum as gusta din realitatea frumoasa…nu tot timpul frumoasa.si imi place sa imi aduc aminte si sa retraiesc senzatia cand ma dau jos din pat si ma scutura frigul …pun picioarele desculte pe covor si simt cum o racoare mi le raceste.este o stare simpla,imi place ..cum am putut si eu sa nu pierd primul rasarit din viata mea care se reflecta in geamurile din celalalt bloc si imi paleste fata….privirea. …este ciudat cum poti sa compari o persoana cu o zi de primavara.nu am sa spun acum cuvinte care sa te induioseze,esti pur si simplu perfect.simt ca te cunosc de o viata intreaga asa cum dimineata de primavara se repeta an de an in viata mea.sa respir aerul racoros,sa imi intre in suflet,sa simt miros de primavara…sa simt miros de nou…un nou pe care il cunosc de o viata intreaga.sa beau ceai cand spre surprinderea mea ar trebui sa mananc prima data… …. esti chiar tu…rasaritul meu.imi pun o dorinta sa mi se repete aceasta zi intotdeauna…si sorbind din ceaiul care inca emana vapori parfumatzi cu miros de caise…lumina se joaca intr-una alcatuind nebunaticii zori de zi…este inca prea devreme si prea devreme pentru nimic.mi se incing mainile de la cescuta de ceai.poate este singura modalitate de a afla ca traiesc aceste sentimente cu adevarat.ma frige la degete…dar imi place. ………………………… ma regasesc in ceea ce imi povestesti.este parca as cunoaste fiecare cuvant de al tau…se repeta la nesfarsit si asa ma simt imbratisata de intelesul bun al sau…cum reusesti sa ai grija de sentimentele mele?nimeni nu a reusit asta pana acuma.am fost taiata de multe ori cu cuvinte prefacute…tu stii sa le tii mereu in lant.desi nu vad ceea ce imi zici imi demonstrezi asta pentru ca ma faci sa te simt.si totusi cine esti tu…
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson dies at age 50, from heart attack
According to multiple reports, Michael Jackson had a heart attack Thursday, June 25 in his home in Los Angeles. Paramedics were called to the house, and they arrived shortly before 12:30 p.m. Michael wasn’t breathing, so the paramedics began performing CPR. He was then taken, by ambulance, to UCLA Medical Center.
Around six p.m. tonight, TMZ confirmed Michael Jackson’s death. They claim Michael suffered cardiac arrest, and that the CPR performed on Michael at his home was unsuccessful. Michael’s body was taken to UCLA, where he was pronounced dead:
We’ve just learned Michael Jackson has died. He was 50.
Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We’re told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.
A source tells us Jackson was dead when paramedics arrived.
LaToya ran in the hospital sobbing, after Jackson was pronounced dead.
Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince “Blanket” Michael Jackson II.
Jackson had 13 number one hits during his solo career.
[From TMZ]
Michael Jackson was one of the biggest celebrities in the world. He sold millions of albums, entertained millions - if not billions - of people, and inspired countless others. He is survived by his three children: Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., 11, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, 10, (both with second wife Deborah Rowe), and Prince Michael Jackson II, 6. It was known that he was in poor health in the past few years, but it’s shocking and terribly sad that he died so young. Prayers to his family, his kids, and his fans. Rest in peace, King of Pop.
Hilary Duff in a bikini
Here's Hilary Duff on vacation in Hawaii yesterday, and maybe it's just the shoulders, but I have to ask, when did she stop caring?
I'm not saying Hilary looks bad, but when Britney Spears looks more toned than you, that's usually a sign to hit the gym. Or start FedEx-ing her Big Macs so you look better by comparison. Either one.
Ok, don't get me wrong, I'm never going to say no to a hot celebrity in a bikini. Ain't going to happen. Someone comes up to me and says, "Alex, would you like one of those," I don't hesitate, not even a "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." Not my style. So when someone sent me Hilary Duff bikini photos from Hawaii, I got excited...then less excited. They're just so boring. Yes she's hot, yes it's tiny, yes she's in the water, but I'm letting out one long bored yawn. There's zero excitement coming from her. Even the ones where she's trying to smile, Hilary looks like she's in pain. Also, with her black bathing suit and black sunglasses, I'm pretty sure she's attending a beachside funeral. That's it, this is the death of fun and she in mourning. That's the only explanation for why these bikini shots suck so much. Boo to you, Hilary Duff and your depressing teasing ways.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Olivia Munn is Topless...Sorta
I'm casting my vote for Olivia Munn as hottest geek alive. As the host of G4's Attack of the Show, she constantly talks about video games, dresses up in geek-fantasy costumes and was given a role in Iron Man2 because of it. Now, her photos of the July/August 2009 issue of Playboy have been released, and they're awesome... or as awesome as non-nude Playboy photos can be.
Still, this is a blow for geeks everywhere - if she can be a sex symbol and still know the different between Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man, than so can you! ... But keep your shirt on until that moment, really, no one wants to see that now.
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Kardashian Bikini Time
Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian (the later who we have never talked about, surprisingly) were in Florida over the weekend, and did what they do best - nothing. The fat Kardashian and the short Kardashian put on bikinis, went to the beach, and gave everyone the privilege of looking at them. My favorite pic is the one with the dude holding the umbrella, because heaven forbid the girls get sun while wearing bathing suits at a beach. Also, here's a fun fact: that dude makes $95,000 a year. Thanks Kardashians, as always, you've made our world a better place.
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